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The ENYC has been tasked with serving the youth of Eswatini regardless of color, race, religion, geographical location, sexual orientation or otherwise. The ENYC serves the youth through: being an implementing partner, providing assistance to youth-focused organizations and pushing the implementation of the youth agenda.
Coordinating ENYC in Coordination
ENYC is the coordinating body for all Youth Programmes mandated by the Government of Eswatini. The Council seeks to ensure that coordination for multi-sectoral Youth programming and partnerships is strengthened at all levels. Through the Partners and Stakeholder Relations, ENYC has developed agreements with several partners and stakeholders in the public and NGO sector whom we collaborate with and share information within many developmental issues.
Advocacy and Lobbying ENYC in Advocacy and Lobbying
ENYC is mandated to supervise the execution of the National Youth Policy through the Public Enterprise Act Unit. Part of the Council’s objective is to create a supportive and enabling environment for addressing Youth issues, policies, programmes and laws. Programmes that ENYC lobbies for include: Marketing, Health, Communication, Youth Parliament, Employment Creation, Commonwealth Youth and the Youth Development Consortium.
Supporting Youth Programmes ENYC in Supporting Youth Programmes
Promoting Youth empowerment programmes and activities in collaboration with partners and stakeholders. The programmes that the Council is involved in are aimed at maximizing Youth potential in the country through supporting activities by Youth which have been identified as having a potential to develop the Young person, well positioning them in society while aligning them to their destiny.
"Teamwork Makes The Dreamwork"
State of The Youth : 15 - 35 Years
Youth Population in Eswatini
Unemployement (15 - 24)
Criminal Offenders (16 - 24)
Computer Usage (15 - 24)
Youth Literacy (15 - 24)